Our Story


The School with children's center called St.Justine started in July 2013 with six students and two teachers.  The idea of ​​creating a school was because many children in this rural area come from impoverished families. Therefore when they reach the age of puberty, they are still on the streets. 

I decided to start a class for these children.  After one month, the School had 30 children, and they continued to grow. Today we have a total of eighty-seven children and six teachers. The main task here is to help these children get an education at the right time according to their age. 

The School has stakeholders who have been able to secure land to construct classrooms, toilets, and offices.  Currently, we have a total of four classrooms.  We teach basic and primary subjects.  In addition to education for children, we also help the youth and provide entrepreneurship training to earn an income for young people.