Name: Rahmati Simbamkuti

Birthdate: August 2012 

Dream job: Lawyer

Children are the nation of tomorrow. If I do not get a better education today, I will be very anxious in my life.  Contribute to education so that children can have a good foundation for tomorrow.  

Name: Tabia Abdallah 

Birthdate:  July 2011

Dream Job: Journalist

Hello, I live with my grandmother only. Mom and dad are divorced when I was born due to my skin condition. I am grateful to get the help of education St. Justine so far. I am in third grade. Please continue to help us get enough knowledge to get a job after studies. I want to be a  journalist so that I can write about albino abuse in the media. 

Name: Goodluck Mlay

Birthdate: March 2013

Hobby: Playing Games

Dream Job: Teacher

A child cannot bring himself into the world. His parents bring it. What if the parents have died and left their children at an early age. How do those children get the necessities? Let me go that question with you?  Helping a child has saved the community

Name: Thomas Godfrey

Age:  12 years

Hobby: Football

Dream Job: Doctor

I live with my parents, who are very poor and can't afford my school fees.  I get my education here at St Justine by getting various help from people around the world.